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the location

When it comes to choosing a location for your family session, the first thing to consider is the vibes you want to create. Do you want to go on an adventure or just stay at home and snuggle? Do you want to splash around on the beach of a lake or have some in an open field? It's easy to narrow down your location options when you know what kind of vibes and style you want.

My recommendation is to choose something that your children will enjoy. They will be happier if their surroundings excite them. Finding somewhere interesting enough to keep them happy is the key!

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you're planning an in-home session:

1. Pay attention to the light in your home so that we can determine the optimum time of day to shoot.

2. Make arrangements to have your home cleaned. This may seem a little daunting, but it will be less chaotic if your entire house is tidy and organized. That means there will be no piles of laundry in the background... unless you want that, in which case, I’m here for it!

3. Make sure your children are aware of the shoot well in advance. Even allowing them to walk me through their home and show me their favorite areas gives them a sense of control and prevents them from feeling compelled to pose for photos.


Water bottles (particularly for summer or hiking sessions)

  • Snacks in case someone gets hungry.

  • A brush, hairspray, and/or gel are all useful tools. Do you have faith in your hair to stay in place for 1-2 hours?

  • A little makeup bag for touch-ups.

  • A towel in case somebody perspires too much.

  • Umbrellas because weather is unpredictable.

  • A change of clothes. You may wish to change things up (and you are free to do so!) So make sure you remember to bring it with you. It's also useful to have a back-up plan in case you fall (or are pushed) into a puddle.

  • Shoes that are both comfortable and stylish!

  • Your kids. As tempting as it is to leave them at home, it won’t be that bad!